Updated as appropriate, Argo in EST

28 FEB 06: Low static and good signals levels. First sign of CT1DRP at 2130Z and best copy at 0000Z before switching over to transmit mode. No sign of DL2HRE or YO.

25 FEB 06: Some static from approaching storm but improved signals levels. CT1DRP O copy during brief listening period from 2030 - 0200Z with best copy around 0130Z . No other signals noted.

24 FEB 06: Low static but depressed signals levels. CT1DRP T to O copy from 2030 - 0230Z with best copy around 2230Z . Almost no trace after 0230Z until brief reception at 0730Z fadeout.

23 FEB 06: Low static and improved signals levels over previous night. CT1DRP M to O copy from 2300 - 0800Z with best copy around 0300Z . No other signals noted.

22 FEB 06: Low static and weak signals levels. CT1DRP T to O copy from 2300 - 0730Z with representative capture taken around 0330Z . No other signals noted.

21 FEB 06: A brief listening session revealed CT1DRP solid O copy around 0500Z . No other signals noted. Lack of EU signals, SAQ test and testing of WD2XNS has curtailed TA reception of late.

16 FEB 06: Better signal levels than the night before. CT1DRP M to O copy 2200 - 0830Z with respresentative copy at 0130 - 0200Z . No other signals noted.

15 FEB 06: Quiet conditions but lower signal levels and more fading than the night before. 'Smudges' from DF6NM in HELL mode ... this probably would have been good copy the night before. CT1DRP T to O copy 2200 - 0830Z with considerable fading until fadeout at 0830Z .

14 FEB 06: Quiet conditions and good signal levels. CT1DRP M to O copy in high speed mode starting 2200 - 0800Z. QRSS10 on left and QRSS3 copy on right of 'DRP' and copy of just QRSS3 at 136318. DF6NM solid copy at several times ... best copy 0330Z and 0500Z .

13 FEB 06: Residual static from Nor'easter...CT1DRP T to O copy starting 2045Z with best copy early at 0000Z ...good copy continued until fadeout at 0830Z. DF6NM can be seen on 318.4 at 0030Z with traces at a few other half hour increments.

12 FEB 06: High static levels from Nor'easter...signal levels down from previous night. CT1DRP T to O copy 2200 - 0800Z with best copy and some activity on ~317.5 at 0030Z and pieces of G3XDV at 0630Z .

11 FEB 06: Conditions started out quiet but noise set in as the night progressed. CT1DRP M to O copy 2100 - 0800Z with best copy early 0100Z and good copy but with more noise at 0500Z .

10 FEB 06: Moderate static levels and the return of signals to the TA window! CT1DRP T to 0 copy from 2100 - 0800Z with best CT1DRP and fadeout at 0800Z .

5 FEB 06: Very high static levels continue due to storms over SE US. Traces of CT1DRP at 2200 and T to M copy before he went QRT early. DF6NM T to almost solid O from 2200 - 0435Z with best 'NM' .

4 FEB 06: Very high static levels continue due to storms over SE US. Traces of CT1DRP at 2200 but very little until 0200Z then M to O copy until unusually early disappearance (into the elevated noise floor) around 0600Z. Best copy CT1DRP .

3 FEB 06: Summertime static levels, no signals copied. CT1DRP off the air.

2 FEB 06: High static levels. Very little seen from CT1DRP until 0200Z then O copy continued almost until fadeout at 0850Z. Best copy CT1DRP but there were many identical looking strings. Slight traces early of DF6NM in Hell mode and DL4EAU around 0000Z then no trace the rest of the night.

1 FEB 06: Despite moderate static CT1DRP was consistent O copy on virtually every call sign string from 2200 - 0845Z ... with very little fading noted ... best CT1DRP but there were many identical looking strings. DF6NM in Hell mode ... on a quieter night this might have worked! exhibit A and exhibit B .

31 JAN 06: High static levels due to storms over SE US compromised reception. Late CT1DRP arrival at 2145Z. O copy of CT1DRP & DF6NM with Markus straddling both sides of the screen about 0315Z. G3XDV peaked around 0400Z ... 'XDV' .

30 JAN 06: Some static...signals up and down. Late CT1DRP arrival with elements from DF6NM at 2215Z with best DF6NM at about 0100Z. DL2HRE best copy about 45 minutes later...with G3 'XDV' at 317.5. Very strong CT1DRP after sun up in CT1.

29 JAN 06: Low static and good signal levels. Early CT1DRP 2030Z with last reception at 0830Z. G3YXM in from 2314...with most ID strings solid O copy ... best 'YXM' . DL2HRE and DF6NM T to M copy starting 2314Z with best DL2HRE around 0000Z. Propagation to DL/DF improved to O copy later with this best shot of *DF6MM* (note call sign malfunction - how does Murphy do it?) and corrected callsign DF6NM on the next string.

28 JAN 06: Earliest reception of CT1DRP so far at 2015Z - nearly 1- 3/4 hours before local sunset. Signal levels not as good as previous night...several G3YXM partial and one clean ID 'YXM' . CT1DRP fade out at 0730Z for a CT1 > W1 window of opportunity at 11-1/4 hours!

27 JAN 06: Higher static levels but good signals from CT1DRP. Another early copy at 0030Z - nearly 1-1/2 hours before local dark. O signal levels on almost every call sign string until last at 0800Z . No other signals noted.

26 JAN 06: No reception report - WD2XNS in transmit mode.

25 JAN 06: Low static levels but signals from CT1DRP, from 2130 - 0800Z, not as strong as recent nights. Best copy at 0100Z . No other signals noted.

24 JAN 06: Low static levels. Signals strong early and faded as the night progressed. CT1DRP in early at 2100Z with 'welding goggle' copy of at 0000Z . Traces of G3XDV starting around 0030Z with full ID 'XDV' quite a bit later at 0530Z.

22 JAN 06: Higher static levels from approaching cold front and power line noise caused by high winds. CT1DRP in and out all night...best CT1DRP early with fadeout at 0900Z. Three QRSS20 captures of G3KEV, M0BMU, CT1DRP and unknown at 136319 kHz... exhibit A , exhibit B , exhibit C . Copy looked like this the rest of the night. Unknown has since been identified as G3YXM in a three way qso with VO1NA and M0BMU!

21 JAN 06: Good signal levels, low static but rapid fading. CT1DRP M to O copy 2130 - 0900Z except in fades. Early CT1DRP and best DRP . Unusually strong signal from DJ8WX at fadeout.

20 JAN 06: Good signal levels and essentially no static. CT1DRP O or nearly O copy on every ID ... best CT1DRP . Possible capture of RA3YO . Unusually late fadeout of CT1DRP .

19 JAN 06: Low static levels. Good signal levels early from DJ8WX 2222Z . 'WX' T to O copy from 2200 - 0600Z ... best 'WX'. CT1DRP M to O copy 2330 - 0800Z ... best CT1DRP . Nothing seen from RA3YO.

18 JAN 06: Some static from approaching storm - conditions good overall. Initial copy of CT1DRP and DJ8WX around 2130 - 2200Z. 'WX' fadeout at 0530Z and CT1DRP at 0845Z. Somewhat noisey copy at 0144Z . Best CT1DRP and 'WX' .

17 JAN 06: Static levels much lower. Initial copy of CT1DRP and fragments of DJ8WX at 2230Z. 'WX' reception, varying from T to O copy, from 2200 - 0530Z and CT1DRP M to O copy 2230 - 0800Z. Best CT1DRP and strong showing from 'WX' . Some longer than usual fading periods noted.

16 JAN 06: High static levels both pre sunset and overnight. CT1DRP in and out from 2145 through 0753Z...best CT1DRP . Only the slightest of fragments from DJ8WX.

15 JAN 06: Moderate static levels pre sunset... very high levels overnight. Only a late afternoon capture of CT1DRP and later on fragments of CT1DRP and M0BMU . Unfortunately propagation was probably good...

14 JAN 06: Summertime static levels after sunset...only a couple late afternoon captures. Possible early siting of DJ8WX at 2013Z and CT1DRP at 2030Z... 'WX' and CT1DRP and CT1DRP best with traces of 'WX'. Copy went downhill from there.

13 JAN 06: Early 2040Z CT1DRP reception and activity on DJ8WX and RA3YO frequency... 2040Z . DJ8WX best...'WX' and CT1DRP fadeout at 0800Z .

12 JAN 06: Very little copy due to local thunderstorms. Occasional bright spots indicate propagation may have been good. Early activity on DJ8WX and RA3YO frequency...'WX' and RA3YO.

11 JAN 06: Some static and signal levels down slightly from previous night...best CT1DRP and best DJ8WX 'WX'. No other signals to report.

10 JAN 06: CT1DRP O copy from 2050Z to early shut down at 0000Z... 'DRP'. DJ8WX nil to nearly O copy ... 'WX'. Somewhat higher static levels but hard to judge overall conditions due to lack of signals.

9 JAN 06: Low static levels but signals not as good as the previous night. G3AQC, M0BMU M to O copy until fadeout at 0800Z. DJ8WX nil to O copy until fadeout at 0800Z... 'AQC', 'BMU', 'WX'. CT1DRP not nearly as strong as usual and nil to M copy most of the night with occassional O copy until fadeout at 0815Z. Best 'DRP' copy.

8 JAN 06: Almost no static and good signal levels...Argo looked like a continental US Part5 screen for most of the night! CT1DRP good copy from 2200 - 0820Z. Both M0BMU and G3AQC good copy from 2300 until sign off. O copy on all three throughout the night except during brief fades. 0130Z copy, 0400Z copy and fadeout.

7 JAN 06: Low static levels with signals down slightly from previous night. One full string from M0BMU in and out otherwise. CT1DRP good copy from 2200 - 0810Z with solid O copy other than fade periods ... best 'DRP' .

6 JAN 06: Low static levels last night. CT1DRP good copy from 2200 - 0750Z...almost dogbone strength 'DRP' with plenty of solid O copy throughout the night. G3KEV running QRSS10 just above 'DRP'.

5 JAN 06: Lower static levels last night. CT1DRP good copy from 2200 - 0830Z...best 'DRP' but plenty of solid O copy throughout the night. G3AQC good copy from sign on at 0200 through sign off at 0730 Z...best 'AQC' but plenty of solid O copy. G3KEV running "high speed" as I switched QRSS modes trying to catch up with him...then Mal went QRT...very tight with 'DRP' in QRSS10 mode.

4 JAN 06: High static levels continue...only slight traces... 'AQC' and 'DRP'

3 JAN 06: Considerable static from snowstorm...traces throughout the night but no positive ID...G3KEV and M0BMU

2 JAN 06: Early capture including 'mystery signal', later captures of M0BMU, 'AQC', 'DRP'

1 JAN 06: Signals in and out...best 'DRP' and best 'AQC'